Sunday, November 2, 2014

Try to think and form another list of what you want from a relationship. Just one accent let it fee

It is likely that all that build relationships, they want to be happy. It seems clear goal - towards happiness, but the results are sometimes even contradictory. What happens in this, that looked for paradise get the hell? There may be a lot, but this time we will look at just one of them, maybe just the one at which you have the challenge of trying to build your relationship. We'll talk about it, or really the goal - a beautiful and happy relationship - that is already clear. Imagine that you want ice cream and ask for something that you buy them. Man, you have requested, and asked what you would like ice cream and you have answered that those that are cold and greasy. This answer sounds strange, does not it? But is not the same as it is when you say that you want a happy and beautiful relationship? Imagine that you are getting the requested ice cream - fat and salt - but unpopular, even hated the taste. Bought just chose the man, what he liked the most. Very similar may be the relationship - you get nice and happy, but not you. Maybe somewhere in the woman would be happy enough watch movies online with a man who takes care of the family, give money to entertain but never at home and keep working. Somewhere a woman or even pride in a responsible and hardworking man spending time with friends and prižūrėdama children, and you somehow so lonely in such relationships, watch movies online the wolf howl like. That's how a lot of the purpose watch movies online of clarity - beautiful and happy relationship.
Have you ever wondered what it means to you? How exactly look beautiful and happy relationship and what is happiness? Some people are well aware, at least part of the answer - the look of his or her second half, where they live, as will leave, how many will have children and if at all they will have, how much will the machinery and so on. List to some can last up to infinity, but it is one very important detail. This list includes only the external aspect, which often do not even have anything to do with the relationship happiness. It directs attention to human relations attributes, packaging, watch movies online and not where really should look for happiness watch movies online in relationships. Let's say that a man created a list of what he wants, and got everything written there: the wife or husband of exactly the height, build and hair color, two children, own a house near the city, a well-paid job, three machines, vacation resorts overseas. Just a perfect life, but not in a pair. Can this be? I think there is not a single reader, who himself suffered a similar story or knows someone whose life just so happened - got everything you wanted, but the relationship dies. One of the major problems in the minds of people is that they believe that material success can bring long-term and intrinsic satisfaction. Very similar, and the relationship - if he / she is just so / so, as I imagine I will be happy / -a. Susikuriamas mental list of the appearance, position, hobbies watch movies online and fokusuojamasi only to forget the most important aspect - the feeling.
Try to think and form another list of what you want from a relationship. Just one accent let it feeling rather watch movies online than the outer trappings. How do you feel being norėtumte with your loved one? Be as accurate as possible: her husband want to feel as safe as the day when the child's uncle Richard vindicated me from the evil dog and all the way to the house carried by hand, because I was scared; watch movies online your woman wants to feel the same concern, as when a good childhood friend held my hand to my beloved watch movies online dog's grave. Gyenes each have at least one moment watch movies online that we could feel himself would feel again and again. For some, this may seem sentimental, but if you are honest with themselves, you will see that this is what you want and in your relationship - you feel as well as the careful compliance time or period in your life. If it is fulfilled in this list, not the one about which we spoke earlier, a miracle watch movies online to happen - perhaps should not have a house outside the city of three machines, while the second half and not at the blond, but relationships you happy. Nobody nedraužia look of a man who matches your taste, watch movies online but it does not necessarily give you the pleasure of being together. On the other hand if you search for the person with whom you feel just the way you want, you get what you desire - happiness in relationships.
As far as feelings are still one of the very great test to check whether you are with the right person. If being with him more like themselves, then you're in luck. If the situation is the opposite - the farther the better start to get to dislike someone relationships are not as strong. If you meet is next to the new candidate for the partners start less like themselves and begin to rise to the top only to your worst features, better delete watch movies online him or her from the list of candidates.
Women (and men, though not hurt) is very healthy watch movies online to think about the specific actions you would like from your partner. Very often, a woman wants something, but even the good things and do not know it without receiving fault

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