[Tags | HISTORY fantasy-reflections States, cartoons and kartsinky, prism] Yesterday was Thanksgiving. I bought vodka "Smirnoff" (still feel like a traitor, but who is to blame, that the boys of international marketing "Khortytsya" have not sent me addresses of shops in Washington). "Smirnoff" costs $ 27.99, sold in plastic and about the same taste. Here is number one van and vodka in the world. Will have still scold international marketing and buy ours. I can only imagine how much this would cost "Khortytsya". In addition Pierres Savinyon bought California. It turns out that Americans different approach to wine: they divide the meat into light or dark (vipovidno drink for him to be white or red). Gave infection for $ 30, but the wine was worth it. Ron prepared turkey with grape jam, cranberry sauce, yams (I do not know how it is translated, like potatoes only orange), minced with Oyster and roll, canned peas and apple pie. We did not and half eaten. I feel that I will indychno-oysterovyy beginning Filipov post. Dinner in the living cool room at Turner Classic Movies is showing "Ckrypalya on strisi" (American version cool of "Tevye Tevlya" I recommend to see). I feel that "Ckrypal on strisi" was secretly found after a long search in the TV guide, in order to please me, "a film about Ukraine" while I was running for the booze. Ron told me about their parents as they celebrated when he was a kid, and why he was with them for 15 years does not communicate. And this morning began Black Friday. These tipa beginning of the Christmas sale. In New York, the "Walmart" mad totky trampled to death a man. Not catching: Our trample to death a man? Chinese economy for all Americans enough! And you say "crisis"! APDY1: It turned out that his uncle, who was crushed cool totky in New York was from Jamaica and worked cool in the "Walmart" dormenom, a man who smiles in the morning, opens the door and says, "We are open, go." And then see that from the store not pyzdyly product. It adds a piquant situation trahikomizmu. APDY2: In "Toys' R Us" (the American version cool of the store "baby house") cool two dudes prystrelyly each other through toys. "Yes, shos wrong in this tale," said Red Kapelyushko doyidayuchy wolf.
From: iz_tumana 2008-11-28 08:47 pm (UTC)
And what you pulled on Smirnoff? Brrrr ... Do you like Pennsylvania, Trader Joe's does not sell alcohol? For in California at TJ for $ 27 you can buy Grey Goose, or Texas Tito for $ 15. Well, quite a good dowry for $ 9.99 :) 4:59 AM! I did not catch up this American sports. And this year, I think everything will be for pennies on 25ho December.
I remember that on our list Drinks International last year had two vodka "Absolute" and "Smirnoff". Absolute I drank more than once. This time decided to try out Smirnov. As already said, shmurdyak shmurdyakom.