Apart from the contingent reasons that have slowed the recruitment of new staff in local authorities, national legislation restricting the turnover, budget shortfalls, press campaigns against public employees, etc. etc., it would be useful to think more broadly about the role of public communicators food network in PA.
Nothing to complain about this evaluation. To adjust the complex activities of a common look after people from cradle to grave, serve a regulatory act. From this, however, comes a presumption of superiority of managers and employees to the administrative functions. Everything else would be complementary to these basic functions. The engineering departments apply administrative rules. Social service workers, food network the same. The educational staff exercises its professionalism in this direction.
By now, even the humblest citizen has the tools to verify in person and in real time the correct procedures. There is no more space for the blind trust in administrative activities. Furthermore, response times have become almost insignificant. With social network information can become a common heritage in a few moments.
For this reason food network it should be valued food network functions food network of public communicators. As a means of information is correct and fast, but also as a terminal of the feedback from the citizens. How many problems could be solved quickly if you listen to the contributions from the citizens of a local authority on the procedures chosen by an administration. How many misunderstandings could be resolved food network quickly without waiting for the decisions of the Administrative Court. food network What could be improved services with constant monitoring of public opinion.
Hello Martha, with her sense of many issues that are within Business Communicators. PAs are very complicated. For citizens have a real mystery. Many times our job is simply to guide citizens in the folds of the administrations. My answer will arrive late because also I have been overwhelmed by the possible consequences of the weather alert in Rome. A decision trivial as close schools in anticipation of substantial rain rainy entailed serious repercussions on people's lives. In this case you will be placed before food network the dilemma of what is the right decision. Avoid the dangers for at least part of the citizens or limit the damage and try to make things go normally. This is an irreconcilable contradiction. You can not make everyone agree. In this case, however, becomes the fundamental role of communicators to identify the consequences more indigestible and try to adjust the aim of the measures. food network I do not know all the details of the events of Carrara. Surely there are responsibilities of the individual, but what he probably food network weighed the most was the underestimation food network of the role played by listening communicators. Chiuque they siani. food network Public food network employees food network or less. Greetings
Roberto kind, first of all thanks for your attention. Also I have made the competition in question but are only suitable. But working for 15 years in communication profit and non-profit organizations and town rest always startled do in front of the marginality of communication. Now I read the news of Carrara: citizens already this summer had exposed, sent emails and photographs to document and denounce a crack nell'argine. But nothing food network has been done. The most likely hypothesis (and sad) is that they have written to the wrong people, have not identified the right people and this is puzzling though I think Carrara, after all, is small. so what has failed in a small company food network was the right government information intended as mere passage of a given from a point A to point B, in a model that still provides -perĂ²- feedback. That did not happen. We count really so little? food network in my experience I have to acknowledge that the communicators are poorly tolerated for so many reasons: food network they are cross, put his mouth on procedures and ways of organizing the work of others, open drawers, revolt offices food network with only one goal: to simplify. food network to make sure that this blessed given go from A ab in the best way. and produce some response but do not do do. It breaks down a barrier, everyone food network had seen, many had denounced, some had reported and no one ever answered. But no one has ever even spoke (technical time too long?)
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