Friday, May 29, 2015

SRAGEN - Pressure from a number of representatives peliculasid of employers and citizens on behalf

Karaoke peliculasid Kafe discourse in Kemukus strong opposition from MUI February 17th, 2015 | Posted in News Sragen | No Comments | Tags: From, Cafes, peliculasid Karaoke, kemukus, Hard, Gets, Opposition, Discourse peliculasid
SRAGEN - Pressure from a number of representatives peliculasid of employers and citizens on behalf Kemukus Communication Forum Cross Society (FKLP), peliculasid to be allowed to re-open karaoke and lodging, got a strong reaction from the natives Kemukus. Not only that, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Sragen also oppose the opening of karaoke and lodging if later only to mask legalize immorality peliculasid activity again. "Frankly we do not agree if karaoke will be opened again. So far, it is precisely the source of disobedience arises from the karaoke because in it there is alcohol and naughty girls. Because most residents here were genuine income from farming and selling so limited that grocery sales. If the actual owner of the karaoke instead mostly immigrants, "said Yatno (43), one of the characters of Hamlet Kedunguter origin. Likewise, Pariyo Crow Rimang also assess the decrease in income and business sectors can not necessarily be used for karaoke resurrection. Instead, he hopes local government and the provincial government could provide another solution for example pemberdayakan arrangement and the addition of religious side Kemukus supporting facilities as well as to intensify the promotion of positive to boost the return visitors. MUI chairman Sragen, Minanul Aziz also rejected if the karaoke and inns are allowed back in operation and then re-used as a cover for prostitution activity and alcohol. He also hopes the relevant authorities strictly enforce the rules and do not easily give permissions if the reality does not meet the specified requirements. Concern also was expressed by Deputy Chairman of Commission II DPRD Sragen, Suparno. In front of an audience peliculasid FKLP, he delivered was not a problem establishing karaoke or lodging is not prohibited throughout to meet the requirements and take care of license according to the rules and regulation digedok Karaoke already some time ago. However, he also doubted whether employers can comply with the regulation that outlines karaoke should be free from alcohol and prostitutes were in reality two things it has been widely used as a magnet for jazz karaoke business. Separately, Head of the Integrated Licensing and Investment (BPTPM) peliculasid Sragen, Tugiyono said karaoke or lodging establishments must comply with the licensing peliculasid and regulation rules that already exist. One of them, a minimum radius of 100 meters from the place of worship, education, government peliculasid agencies and sterile of alcohol and womanizing. "Then the more important also from residents and environmental permits (HO.)," He explained. Wardoyo

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